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Paged streams

You can fetch all streams within a environment, across topics and locations, with a single call. If you’re working with a large number of streams, you can use pagination parameters to group the results into smaller pages.

Fetching all streams

The /streams endpoint provides read access to all streams within the environment. Sending an empty JSON object in your request body will return all streams.


Even if you’re not supplying any parameters, you must still send a valid empty object as JSON data in the body of your request.

Example request

curl "https://${domain}" \
     -H "Authorization: bearer ${token}" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d "{}"

Example response

The JSON returned consists of an array of Stream objects:

    "location":"/static data/"

Fetching streams page by page

To reduce the size of the response, you should page these results with the paging property. Include this in the JSON object you send in the body of your request. The value of this property is an object with two members, index and length:

  • index
    The index of the page you want returned.

  • length
    The number of items (i.e. streams) per page.

For example, to group all streams in pages of 10 and receive the 2nd page, use this value:

"paging": {
    "index": 1,
    "length": 10

Example request

curl "https://${domain}" \
     -H "Authorization: bearer ${token}" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"paging":{"index": 1,"length": 10}}'