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StreamingDataFrame API



class StreamingDataFrame(BaseStreaming)


StreamingDataFrame is the main object you will use for ETL work.

Typically created with an app = instance, via sdf = app.dataframe().

What it Does:

  • Builds a data processing pipeline, declaratively (not executed immediately)
    • Executes this pipeline on inputs at runtime (Kafka message values)
  • Provides functions/interface similar to Pandas Dataframes/Series
  • Enables stateful processing (and manages everything related to it)

How to Use:

Define various operations while continuously reassigning to itself (or new fields).

These operations will generally transform your data, access/update state, or produce to kafka topics.

We recommend your data structure to be "columnar" (aka a dict/JSON) in nature so that it works with the entire interface, but simple types like ints, str, etc. are also supported.

See the various methods and classes for more specifics, or for a deep dive into usage, see under the docs/ folder.

NOTE: column referencing like sdf["a_column"] and various methods often create other object types (typically quixstreams.dataframe.StreamingSeries), which is expected; type hinting should alert you to any issues should you attempt invalid operations with said objects (however, we cannot infer whether an operation is valid with respect to your data!).

Example Snippet:

sdf = StreamingDataframe()
sdf = sdf.apply(a_func)
sdf = sdf.filter(another_func)
sdf = sdf.to_topic(topic_obj)


def apply(func: Union[DataFrameFunc, DataFrameStatefulFunc],
          stateful: bool = False,
          expand: bool = False) -> Self


Apply a function to transform the value and return a new value.

The result will be passed downstream as an input value.

Example Snippet:

# This stores a string in state and capitalizes every column with a string value.
# A second apply then keeps only the string value columns (shows non-stateful).
def func(d: dict, state: State):
    value = d["store_field"]
    if value != state.get("my_store_key"):
        state.set("my_store_key") = value
    return {k: v.upper() if isinstance(v, str) else v for k, v in d.items()}

sdf = StreamingDataframe()
sdf = sdf.apply(func, stateful=True)
sdf = sdf.apply(lambda d: {k: v for k,v in d.items() if isinstance(v, str)})


  • func: a function to apply
  • stateful: if True, the function will be provided with a second argument of type State to perform stateful operations.
  • expand: if True, expand the returned iterable into individual values downstream. If returned value is not iterable, TypeError will be raised. Default - False.


def update(func: Union[DataFrameFunc, DataFrameStatefulFunc],
           stateful: bool = False) -> Self


Apply a function to mutate value in-place or to perform a side effect

that doesn't update the value (e.g. print a value to the console).

The result of the function will be ignored, and the original value will be passed downstream.

Example Snippet:

# Stores a value and mutates a list by appending a new item to it.
# Also prints to console.

def func(values: list, state: State):
    value = values[0]
    if value != state.get("my_store_key"):
        state.set("my_store_key") = value

sdf = StreamingDataframe()
sdf = sdf.update(func, stateful=True)
sdf = sdf.update(lambda value: print("Received value: ", value))


  • func: function to update value
  • stateful: if True, the function will be provided with a second argument of type State to perform stateful operations.


def filter(func: Union[DataFrameFunc, DataFrameStatefulFunc],
           stateful: bool = False) -> Self


Filter value using provided function.

If the function returns True-like value, the original value will be passed downstream. Otherwise, the Filtered exception will be raised (further processing for that message will be skipped).

Example Snippet:

# Stores a value and allows further processing only if the value is greater than
# what was previously stored.

def func(d: dict, state: State):
    value = d["my_value"]
    if value > state.get("my_store_key"):
        state.set("my_store_key") = value
        return True
    return False

sdf = StreamingDataframe()
sdf = sdf.filter(func, stateful=True)


  • func: function to filter value
  • stateful: if True, the function will be provided with second argument of type State to perform stateful operations.


def contains(key: str) -> StreamingSeries


Check if the key is present in the Row value.

Example Snippet:

# Add new column 'has_column' which contains a boolean indicating
# the presence of 'column_x'

sdf = StreamingDataframe()
sdf['has_column'] = sdf.contains('column_x')


  • key: a column name to check.


a Column object that evaluates to True if the key is present or False otherwise.


def to_topic(topic: Topic,
             key: Optional[Callable[[object], object]] = None) -> Self


Produce current value to a topic. You can optionally specify a new key.

NOTE: A RowProducer instance must be assigned to StreamingDataFrame.producer if not using to facilitate the execution of StreamingDataFrame.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

# Produce to two different topics, changing the key for one of them.

app = Application()
input_topic = app.topic("input_x")
output_topic_0 = app.topic("output_a")
output_topic_1 = app.topic("output_b")

sdf = app.dataframe(input_topic)
sdf = sdf.to_topic(output_topic_0)
sdf = sdf.to_topic(output_topic_1, key=lambda data: data["a_field"])


  • topic: instance of Topic
  • key: a callable to generate a new message key, optional. If passed, the return type of this callable must be serializable by key_serializer defined for this Topic object. By default, the current message key will be used.


def compose() -> StreamCallable


Compose all functions of this StreamingDataFrame into one big closure.

Closures are more performant than calling all the functions in the StreamingDataFrame one-by-one.

Generally not required by users; the class will do this automatically.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application
sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf = sdf.apply(apply_func)
sdf = sdf.filter(filter_func)
sdf = sdf.compose()

result_0 = sdf({"my": "record"})
result_1 = sdf({"other": "record"})


a function that accepts "value" and returns a result of StreamingDataFrame


def test(value: object, ctx: Optional[MessageContext] = None) -> Any


A shorthand to test StreamingDataFrame with provided value

and MessageContext.


  • value: value to pass through StreamingDataFrame
  • ctx: instance of MessageContext, optional. Provide it if the StreamingDataFrame instance calls to_topic(), has stateful functions or functions calling get_current_key(). Default - None.


result of StreamingDataFrame


def tumbling_window(duration_ms: Union[int, timedelta],
                    grace_ms: Union[int, timedelta] = 0,
                    name: Optional[str] = None) -> TumblingWindowDefinition


Create a tumbling window transformation on this StreamingDataFrame.

Tumbling windows divide time into fixed-sized, non-overlapping windows.

They allow to perform stateful aggregations like sum, reduce, etc. on top of the data and emit results downstream.


  • Every window is grouped by the current Kafka message key.
  • Messages with None key will be ignored.
  • The time windows always use the current event time.

Example Snippet:

app = Application()
sdf = app.dataframe(...)

sdf = (
    # Define a tumbling window of 60s and grace period of 10s
        duration_ms=timedelta(seconds=60), grace_ms=timedelta(seconds=10.0)

    # Specify the aggregation function

    # Specify how the results should be emitted downstream.
    # "all()" will emit results as they come for each updated window,
    # possibly producing multiple messages per key-window pair
    # "final()" will emit windows only when they are closed and cannot
    # receive any updates anymore.


  • duration_ms: The length of each window. Can be specified as either an int representing milliseconds or a timedelta object.

    NOTE: timedelta objects will be rounded to the closest millisecond value.

  • grace_ms: The grace period for data arrival. It allows late-arriving data (data arriving after the window has theoretically closed) to be included in the window. Can be specified as either an int representing milliseconds or as a timedelta object.

    NOTE: timedelta objects will be rounded to the closest millisecond value.

  • name: The unique identifier for the window. If not provided, it will be automatically generated based on the window's properties.


TumblingWindowDefinition instance representing the tumbling window configuration. This object can be further configured with aggregation functions like sum, count, etc. applied to the StreamingDataFrame.


def hopping_window(duration_ms: Union[int, timedelta],
                   step_ms: Union[int, timedelta],
                   grace_ms: Union[int, timedelta] = 0,
                   name: Optional[str] = None) -> HoppingWindowDefinition


Create a hopping window transformation on this StreamingDataFrame.

Hopping windows divide the data stream into overlapping windows based on time. The overlap is controlled by the step_ms parameter.

They allow to perform stateful aggregations like sum, reduce, etc. on top of the data and emit results downstream.


  • Every window is grouped by the current Kafka message key.
  • Messages with None key will be ignored.
  • The time windows always use the current event time.

Example Snippet:

app = Application()
sdf = app.dataframe(...)

sdf = (
    # Define a hopping window of 60s with step 30s and grace period of 10s

    # Specify the aggregation function

    # Specify how the results should be emitted downstream.
    # "all()" will emit results as they come for each updated window,
    # possibly producing multiple messages per key-window pair
    # "final()" will emit windows only when they are closed and cannot
    # receive any updates anymore.


  • duration_ms: The length of each window. It defines the time span for which each window aggregates data. Can be specified as either an int representing milliseconds or a timedelta object.

    NOTE: timedelta objects will be rounded to the closest millisecond value.

  • step_ms: The step size for the window. It determines how much each successive window moves forward in time. Can be specified as either an int representing milliseconds or a timedelta object.

    NOTE: timedelta objects will be rounded to the closest millisecond value.

  • grace_ms: The grace period for data arrival. It allows late-arriving data to be included in the window, even if it arrives after the window has theoretically moved forward. Can be specified as either an int representing milliseconds or a timedelta object.

    NOTE: timedelta objects will be rounded to the closest millisecond value.

  • name: The unique identifier for the window. If not provided, it will be automatically generated based on the window's properties.


HoppingWindowDefinition instance representing the hopping window configuration. This object can be further configured with aggregation functions like sum, count, etc. and applied to the StreamingDataFrame.



class StreamingSeries(BaseStreaming)


StreamingSeries are typically generated by StreamingDataframes when getting elements from, or performing certain operations on, a StreamingDataframe, thus acting as a representation of "column" value.

They share some operations with the StreamingDataframe, but also provide some additional functionality.

Most column value operations are handled by this class, and StreamingSeries can generate other StreamingSeries as a result of said operations.

What it Does:

  • Allows ways to do simple operations with dataframe "column"/dictionary values:
    • Basic ops like add, subtract, modulo, etc.
  • Enables comparisons/inequalities:
    • Greater than, equals, etc.
    • and/or, is/not operations
  • Can check for existence of columns in StreamingDataFrames
  • Enables chaining of various operations together

How to Use:

For the most part, you may not even notice this class exists! They will naturally be created as a result of typical StreamingDataFrame use.

Auto-complete should help you with valid methods and type-checking should alert you to invalid operations between StreamingSeries.

In general, any typical Pands dataframe operation between columns should be valid with StreamingSeries, and you shouldn't have to think about them explicitly.

Example Snippet:

# Random methods for example purposes. More detailed explanations found under
# various methods or in the docs folder.

sdf = StreamingDataframe()
sdf = sdf["column_a"].apply(a_func).apply(diff_func, stateful=True)
sdf["my_new_bool_field"] = sdf["column_b"].contains("this_string")
sdf["new_sum_field"] = sdf["column_c"] + sdf["column_d"] + 2
sdf = sdf[["column_a"] & (sdf["new_sum_field"] >= 10)]


def from_func(cls, func: StreamCallable) -> Self


Create a StreamingSeries from a function.

The provided function will be wrapped into Apply


  • func: a function to apply


instance of StreamingSeries


def apply(func: StreamCallable) -> Self


Add a callable to the execution list for this series.

The provided callable should accept a single argument, which will be its input. The provided callable should similarly return one output, or None

They can be chained together or included with other operations.

Example Snippet:

# The `StreamingSeries` are generated when `sdf["COLUMN_NAME"]` is called.
# This stores a string in state and capitalizes the column value; the result is
# assigned to a new column.
#  Another apply converts a str column to an int, assigning it to a new column.

def func(value: str, state: State):
    if value != state.get("my_store_key"):
        state.set("my_store_key") = value
    return v.upper()

sdf = StreamingDataframe()
sdf["new_col"] = sdf["a_column"]["nested_dict_key"].apply(func, stateful=True)
sdf["new_col_2"] = sdf["str_col"].apply(lambda v: int(v)) + sdf["str_col2"] + 2


  • func: a callable with one argument and one output


a new StreamingSeries with the new callable added


def compose(allow_filters: bool = True,
            allow_updates: bool = True) -> StreamCallable


Compose all functions of this StreamingSeries into one big closure.

Closures are more performant than calling all the functions in the StreamingDataFrame one-by-one.

Generally not required by users; the class will do this automatically.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

app = Application(...)

sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf = sdf["column_a"].apply(apply_func)
sdf = sdf["column_b"].contains(filter_func)
sdf = sdf.compose()

result_0 = sdf({"my": "record"})
result_1 = sdf({"other": "record"})


  • allow_filters: If False, this function will fail with ValueError if the stream has filter functions in the tree. Default - True.
  • allow_updates: If False, this function will fail with ValueError if the stream has update functions in the tree. Default - True.


  • ValueError: if disallowed functions are present in the tree of underlying Stream.


a function that accepts "value" and returns a result of StreamingSeries


def test(value: Any, ctx: Optional[MessageContext] = None) -> Any


A shorthand to test StreamingSeries with provided value

and MessageContext.


  • value: value to pass through StreamingSeries
  • ctx: instance of MessageContext, optional. Provide it if the StreamingSeries instance has functions calling get_current_key(). Default - None.


result of StreamingSeries


def isin(other: Container) -> Self


Check if series value is in "other".

Same as "StreamingSeries in other".

Runtime result will be a bool.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

# Check if "str_column" is contained in a column with a list of strings and
# assign the resulting `bool` to a new column: "has_my_str".

sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf["has_my_str"] = sdf["str_column"].isin(sdf["column_with_list_of_strs"])


  • other: a container to check


new StreamingSeries


def contains(other: Union[Self, object]) -> Self


Check if series value contains "other"

Same as "other in StreamingSeries".

Runtime result will be a bool.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

# Check if "column_a" contains "my_substring" and assign the resulting
# `bool` to a new column: "has_my_substr"

sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf["has_my_substr"] = sdf["column_a"].contains("my_substring")


  • other: object to check


new StreamingSeries


def is_(other: Union[Self, object]) -> Self


Check if series value refers to the same object as other

Runtime result will be a bool.

Example Snippet:

# Check if "column_a" is the same as "column_b" and assign the resulting `bool`
#  to a new column: "is_same"

from quixstreams import Application
sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf["is_same"] = sdf["column_a"].is_(sdf["column_b"])


  • other: object to check for "is"


new StreamingSeries


def isnot(other: Union[Self, object]) -> Self


Check if series value does not refer to the same object as other

Runtime result will be a bool.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

# Check if "column_a" is the same as "column_b" and assign the resulting `bool`
# to a new column: "is_not_same"

sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf["is_not_same"] = sdf["column_a"].isnot(sdf["column_b"])


  • other: object to check for "is_not"


new StreamingSeries


def isnull() -> Self


Check if series value is None.

Runtime result will be a bool.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

# Check if "column_a" is null and assign the resulting `bool` to a new column:
# "is_null"

sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf["is_null"] = sdf["column_a"].isnull()


new StreamingSeries


def notnull() -> Self


Check if series value is not None.

Runtime result will be a bool.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

# Check if "column_a" is not null and assign the resulting `bool` to a new column:
# "is_not_null"

sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf["is_not_null"] = sdf["column_a"].notnull()


new StreamingSeries


def abs() -> Self


Get absolute value of the series value.

Example Snippet:

from quixstreams import Application

# Get absolute value of "int_col" and add it to "other_int_col".
# Finally, assign the result to a new column: "abs_col_sum".

sdf = app.dataframe()
sdf["abs_col_sum"] = sdf["int_col"].abs() + sdf["other_int_col"]


new StreamingSeries