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Raw data

Access persisted raw data by specifyng the parameters you’re interested in. Add restrictions based on Stream or timings for finer-grained results.

Using the /parameters/data endpoint

Raw telemetry data is available via the /parameters/data endpoint.

Fetching specific parameters


You can filter by a number of different factors but, at minimum, you’ll need to supply one or more parameters to fetch:

    "numericParameters": [{
        "parameterName": "Speed"

In this example, we’re requesting a single numeric parameter, Speed. Each array of parameters is indexed based on parameter type, which can be numericParameters or stringParameters. Parameters are returned in a union, so if you request several, you’ll get back all parameters that match.


curl "https://${domain}" \
    -H "accept: text/plain" \
    -H "Authorization: bearer <token>" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"numericParameters":[{"parameterName":"Speed"}]}'

If you just had a single parameter value in the stored data, the response from the above call might look something like this:

    "timestamps": [
    "numericValues": {
        "Speed": [
    "stringValues": {},
    "tagValues": {},

Restricting by Stream or time

In reality, you’ll have far more data in the stored data, so you’ll want to filter it. Three remaining properties of the request object allow you to do so:

  • streamIds

  • from

  • to

Each stream you create has a unique ID. You can view the ID of a persisted via the Data section of the UI. Supply a list of stream IDs to restrict fetched data to just those streams:

    "streamIds": [

You can also restrict data to a certain time span using the from and to properties. These each expect a timestamp in nanoseconds, for example:

    "from": 1612191286000000000,
    "to":   1612191386000000000

These timestamps cover a range of 100 seconds.