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cloud projects patch


Edit individual properties of a project

Aliases: patch


quix cloud projects patch <repository-id> [options]


  • <repository-id> : The ID of the project


  • -o, --output <json|table> : Output type of the retrieved data
  • --name <name> : The name of the project
  • -pr, --pull-request-url-pattern <pull-request-url-pattern> : Custom pattern for creating pull requests, where {{sourceBranch}} and {{destinationBranch}} will be replaced with the corresponding branch names. Sample usage:{{sourceBranch}}/{{destinationBranch}}
  • -no-pr, --no-pull-request-url-pattern : Remove the custom pattern for creating pull requests

How It Works

When the quix cloud project patch command is executed:

  1. The command invokes the project service to patch the project with the provided details.
  2. If --no-pull-request-url-pattern is set, the pull request URL pattern is removed.
  3. The command then outputs the updated project details using the specified output format.

Example Usage

Edit Project Name

To edit the name of a project:

$ quix cloud project patch my-project-id --name "New Project Name"

Set Custom Pull Request URL Pattern

To set a custom pull request URL pattern:

$ quix cloud project patch my-project-id --pull-request-url-pattern "{{sourceBranch}}/{{destinationBranch}}"

Remove Custom Pull Request URL Pattern

To remove the custom pull request URL pattern:

$ quix cloud project patch my-project-id --no-pull-request-url-pattern