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Black and grey open windows.

How to develop a usage-based pricing system

How we engineered usage-based pricing on a message broker, with an in-depth guide to technical implementation and code samples.
Patrick Mira Pedrol
Head of Software & Co-Founder
Bicycles parked in a line.

Build and deploy a data science project (no developer required)

An in-depth tutorial on how one data scientist created a real-time predictor of bike availability — a use case you can apply to any fleet or mobility solution.
Javier Blanco
Senior Data Scientist
Learning ML screenshot from Quix.

Your 15-minute guide to real-time machine learning

Take a machine learning project using streaming data from idea to production deployment. It takes just 15 minutes with this step-by-step blog and video tutorial.
Steve Rosam
Head of Content
Colorful lights in black background.

Real time stream processing with Kafka and Python

Start processing real-time data in Python in 10 minutes with Quix. This quick start guide with source code shows how. 
Peter Nagy
Head of Platform & Co-Founder